Growth Of Mobile Web Presents New Challenges & Opportunities For Marketers
- Written by Andrew Gaffney
- Published in Feature Articles
The explosive growth of iPhone and the recent release of the Google Android are expected to present a new set of challenges and opportunities for marketers. The transmission speed and added functionality of these 3G devices will likely mean more users will be conducting their web research on a small screen, which could have a significant impact on conversion rates and site experience going forward.
Industry experts have estimated the number of 3G devices will grow from an installed base of under 200 million last year to well over 1 billion by 2012.
Research from the Nielsen Company shows a steady rise in mobile web usage, with 102 million unique mobile subscribers for the second quarter of 2008, representing 39% of all wireless subscriptions, and a 32% increase in year over year growth since Q2 2007. Although portals, email, weather, news/politics, and search dominated the top visited categories by mobile users, according to Nielsen's latest Mobile Media report, the report also showed an increased interest in the business/finance category.
Yet despite the growth of iPhone and other 3G devices, research has shown that few marketers are taking steps to measure and optimize the new traffic coming from mobile devices. An industry survey recently conducted by online business optimization software provider, Omniture found 71% of businesses say they are not measuring mobile traffic to their sites. Furthermore, 50% of businesses say they do not know how many unique users landing on their sites originate from a mobile device.
Analytics providers such as Omniture are stepping up early in the curve to provide tracking capabilities for mobile visitors, and also making it easier for marketing executives to track the reports via their own mobile devices. Back in July, Omniture began providing its SiteCatalyst reports to customers via their web-enabled mobile device. In October, the company announced a native application built specifically for the iPhone and just last week the company added a new mobile application designed to work on mobile devices running Google Android. The Omniture SiteCatalyst for Google Android is the first online business analytics application for tracking web, mobile and video now available on Android Market.
Matt Langie, Senior Director of Product Marketing at Omniture, pointed out that real-time reporting on web performance is vital for BtoC marketers looking to track conversion rates on new promotional offers, as well as BtoB sites tracking the performance of a lead generation campaign. “The mobile application allows marketers to set up bookmarks and real-time alerts so they are notified if the site goes down temporarily or a registration page isn’t functioning properly. The real-time intelligence provides the principal benefits whether you are tracking pricing metrics or the effectiveness of a white paper offer,” Langie said.
He added that the intelligence on site performance is even more critical as marketers now must gauge the site experience of mobile users, accounting for different screen sizes as well as images and audio/video formats.
Agencies are also starting to be more proactive with mobile marketing campaigns. For example, Godfrey Advertising has launched a new initiative called hyperintegration, which it says focuses on customer attraction, interaction and engagement. By linking online, offline, direct marketing and mobile touch points in the same campaign the Godfrey approach urges BtoB marketers to plan and shape the prospect experience across all channels by linking the measurement and tracking across all channels.
On the company’s B2B Insights Blog, Senior Account Manager Mike Wayde, recent discussed the unique aspects the mobile web provides. "Mobile technology is narrowing the gap between phones and PCs. In fact, with more stringent security for air travelers, many executives have set aside their laptops in favor of their favorite web-enabled hand-held device," said Wayde. "But few B2B marketers have incorporated this new media into their marketing programs. Instead of just directing ad visitors to go to their website for information, savvy marketers should (also) ask prospects to text them for more information or to get something for free."

Research from the Nielsen Company shows a steady rise in mobile web usage, with 102 million unique mobile subscribers for the second quarter of 2008, representing 39% of all wireless subscriptions, and a 32% increase in year over year growth since Q2 2007. Although portals, email, weather, news/politics, and search dominated the top visited categories by mobile users, according to Nielsen's latest Mobile Media report, the report also showed an increased interest in the business/finance category.
Yet despite the growth of iPhone and other 3G devices, research has shown that few marketers are taking steps to measure and optimize the new traffic coming from mobile devices. An industry survey recently conducted by online business optimization software provider, Omniture found 71% of businesses say they are not measuring mobile traffic to their sites. Furthermore, 50% of businesses say they do not know how many unique users landing on their sites originate from a mobile device.
Analytics providers such as Omniture are stepping up early in the curve to provide tracking capabilities for mobile visitors, and also making it easier for marketing executives to track the reports via their own mobile devices. Back in July, Omniture began providing its SiteCatalyst reports to customers via their web-enabled mobile device. In October, the company announced a native application built specifically for the iPhone and just last week the company added a new mobile application designed to work on mobile devices running Google Android. The Omniture SiteCatalyst for Google Android is the first online business analytics application for tracking web, mobile and video now available on Android Market.
Matt Langie, Senior Director of Product Marketing at Omniture, pointed out that real-time reporting on web performance is vital for BtoC marketers looking to track conversion rates on new promotional offers, as well as BtoB sites tracking the performance of a lead generation campaign. “The mobile application allows marketers to set up bookmarks and real-time alerts so they are notified if the site goes down temporarily or a registration page isn’t functioning properly. The real-time intelligence provides the principal benefits whether you are tracking pricing metrics or the effectiveness of a white paper offer,” Langie said.
He added that the intelligence on site performance is even more critical as marketers now must gauge the site experience of mobile users, accounting for different screen sizes as well as images and audio/video formats.
Agencies are also starting to be more proactive with mobile marketing campaigns. For example, Godfrey Advertising has launched a new initiative called hyperintegration, which it says focuses on customer attraction, interaction and engagement. By linking online, offline, direct marketing and mobile touch points in the same campaign the Godfrey approach urges BtoB marketers to plan and shape the prospect experience across all channels by linking the measurement and tracking across all channels.
On the company’s B2B Insights Blog, Senior Account Manager Mike Wayde, recent discussed the unique aspects the mobile web provides. "Mobile technology is narrowing the gap between phones and PCs. In fact, with more stringent security for air travelers, many executives have set aside their laptops in favor of their favorite web-enabled hand-held device," said Wayde. "But few B2B marketers have incorporated this new media into their marketing programs. Instead of just directing ad visitors to go to their website for information, savvy marketers should (also) ask prospects to text them for more information or to get something for free."