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DemandGen Report To Share Content Preference Survey Results At Upcoming Content2Conversion Conference

Today's B2B marketplace includes a host of new channels, offers and insights.  A new breed of empowered B2B buyers has significantly changed the marketing landscape. At the same time, however, executives have less free time than ever -- yet they are inundated with a growing list of responsibilities and decisions.

Given these shifts, marketers are challenged to create compelling content that reaches beyond their customary, product-focused comfort zones. The content they create must focus more on fostering thought leadership that can serve as a nurturing tool. They must create content with enough value to catch the attention of busy, distracted decision-makers.

This state of affairs is also driving a move towards different types of content. The age-old, long-winded white paper has yielded to more visually appealing E-books, featuring less text per page and more callouts, graphs and charts. Multimedia formats such as video podcasts, video case studies and video white papers are replacing their written or audio counterparts. Chalk it up to a technology-driven, short attention-span universe, but the modern executive simply doesn’t have the time or patience for a 10,000-word odyssey.

That's why DemandGen Report is surveying business executives to learn more about how you find and access information, as well as how emerging media and technology are changing your behaviors and preferences. The Content Preferences Survey will help us and other marketers understand how to cater to today's time-challenged executives and provide valuable offers to make the most of your time.

The Content Preferences Survey will highlight key content-consumption drivers for executives, including:

  • Where executives begin their search for content that addresses their business challenges;
  • The types of online content that executives use to research potential business solutions;
  • The devices executives use to access content;
  • How much time executives typically spend reviewing content in various formats; and
  • General recommendations to solution providers that create content focused on business issues.

We invite business executives to share their experiences by taking the survey.

As a token of our appreciation, we'll send you a free advance copy of the full survey results, which you can apply to your own company's messaging and content strategy. 

Take The Survey Now → 

We also invite you to join us at the B2B Content2Conversion Conference on Tuesday, April 24 in New York City, where we'll share a detailed overview of the survey findings and reveal insights into key content marketing strategies. For more information, visit the event web site.