8 Ways To Mobilize Your BtoB Campaigns

Despite huge increases in smartphone and tablet penetration, 70% of BtoB companies have yet to optimize their web sites for mobile users, according to research from IDG.

As mobile becomes a vital part of browsing and buying processes, industry analysts suggest BtoB companies must take cues from their BtoC counterparts to determine best practices for an efficient mobile strategy. “When it comes to considerations for mobile marketing, we have to think about it in terms of this is going to be the way that people use the internet,” said Karsten Weide, Research VP Digital Media & Entertainment, IDG. “It’s going to be mobile first!”

During BtoB Online’s Mobile Summit, Weide shared best practices for mobilizing campaigns. Key considerations highlighted during the presentation include: the rapid growth of mobile and tablet adoption; developing an efficient plan for mobile ad spend; search engine optimization (SEO); and the importance of creating an engaging experience across mobile devices.

Weide highlighted the following 8 considerations to mobilize BtoB campaigns:

1. The Internet Will Be Mobile First!

More than 15% of Internet users already access mobile devices, according to Weide. During his presentation, Weide also indicated that the developing mobile revolution will come over the BtoB marketing industry like a “surprising attack at night.” As Internet browsing behavior continues to move to tablets and smartphones, companies must make it a priority to translate and optimize their site for mobile technology.

While consumers will still be using PCs even ten years from now, Weide emphasized that it will be for anything but productivity tasks. In fact, by 2015, more people will access the Internet via mobile than on a PC, according to IDG.

2. Whatever you spend on ads, spend more!

During the presentation, Weide honed in on the importance of optimizing mobile ad spend. “If you don’t, you’re competitor will,” he advised. “Spending more on mobile enterprises is a competitive differentiator. In the desktop world, advertising effectiveness isn’t that great anymore.”

Research from IDG highlights that only 5% of ad spending goes toward mobile advertising. However, it’s important to note that click-throughs occurring via mobile are approximately 3%, highlighting a potential growth for the category.

3. Give Search Advertising Another Look

Currently, spending on mobile advertising is at about 60% and growing, while desktop advertising is steadily declining, according to Weide. Furthermore, more than 60% of this mobile ad spend will be allocated towards search in 2011.

“The ad community has decided that the mobile platform is suitable for their marketing simply because search benefits are better on a mobile device,” Weide explained.

By extending search and advertising to mobile screens, companies can easily optimize search advertising via engines such as Google, rather than investing in display advertising that is hard to optimize.

4. Display Ads: Go Cross-Platform

Along with the importance of search to further company outreach, it is vital that mobile planners focus on creating a seamless experience across platforms. While the penetration of Apple’s iPhone is resting at 43%, Android (32%) and Blackberry (15%) are still prevalent in the market.

If companies are seeking maximum audience exposure, it is vital to go across platforms.  Weide also noted that Apple is “notoriously difficult to deal with for companies” on the developer/backend side, increasing the importance of implementing a plan for multiple platforms.

5. Audience Reach: Go Cross Device To Optimize Your Audience Reach

When observing the checks and balances of display advertising plans, Weide advised companies to consider traffic from all sources. For example, the continual adoption of tablet devices creates a more media-rich outlet for buyers to read content and view display ads. 

Currently, tablets account for 20 % of traffic, according to Weide, primarily because they are easier to use and provide a larger screen versus smartphones. As a result, companies must work towards optimizing advertising across devices.

Apple is the leading tablet provider, dominating 99% of the market, largely due to its user friendly interface, which, according to Weide, supersedes that of the  Android tablet. As a result, iPads may be the go-to tablet for BtoB companies dipping their toes into “mobile waters.”

6. Choose Your Network Carefully

One key consideration for BtoB campaign developers is that behavioral targeting is dependent on cookies, which are not available on mobile devices, according to Weide. Though desktops streamline behavioral-based targeting

Weide advised marketers to consider the strengths and weaknesses of all ad network options available (Google Admom, Google display network, Millenial Media, etc.).

 “Yahoo! is loosing distribution to Google because operators and manufacturers say that the number one application customer wants it map & directions, and  Google has this. If Yahoo gets around to implementing software on their devices they’ll have a better shot at distribution. Not all networks for all formats the same amount of targeting.”

7. Think Cross-Media

When developing a mobile strategy, companies must “connect the dots” of campaign initiatives across channels. Weide advised companies to emphasize their mobile presence in desktop, print and online to ensure brand and campaign awareness across all touch points.

Weide also touched on other mobile marketing initiatives, such as quick response (QR) codes. This tactic has come to fruition in the BtoC arena already. These scannable codes allow companies to drive traffic to the mobile site in an easy, cost-efficient way. Companies that translate campaigns across media platforms experience a 20%-40% growth in campaign success, according to Weide.

8. Great Ads Need Great Destinations

“Don’t even think about a great mobile campaign if you don’t have the place to send mobile users to,” Weide explained. For mobile success, companies must make sure their campaign is useful, legible, fast and supports conversion by providing calls-to-action that are easy to fulfill via mobile.