Top #KeynoteInks Takeaways From The B2B Marketing Exchange

At this year’s B2B Marketing Exchange, the team at Quarry partnered with Kelly Kingman and the B2B News Network to create beautiful #KeynoteInks of some of the most tweeted moments from the event. Twitter was a buzz with a variety of quotable quips from the event, but Kingman and her team caught some of the best ones and used them as inspiration to create beautiful artwork highlighting some of the notable, key takeaways.

Here are a few of our favorite #KeynoteInks from this year’s B2B Marketing Exchange.

What keeps your customers up at night? That’s a question that we should be considering when formulating a content strategy. During the keynote session with 3M’s Carlos Abler, he shared this memorable quote highlighting the current state of B2B content.

Another common theme of the event was that B2B brands have to be more authentic, show emotion and make genuine connections with their prospects. Comedian and former IBM content leader Tim Washer said during his opening monologue that this can easily be done using laughter to connect messaging with real human emotion.

Another method for creating genuine customer experiences is giving your brand’s fans a platform to share their experience with you. Best-selling author, speaker and industry expert David Meerman Scott noted in his keynote that it’s time for brands to lose control and let their fans take over. He highlighted The Grateful Dead, and how they let concert attendees bring recording equipment to shows — which ultimately led to the band’s almost cult-like following.

When it comes to content strategy, the often-quoted stat about today’s buyers having the same attention span as a goldfish is considered — leading to more straightforward and to-the-point content. However, millennial expert and industry consultant Brian Fanzo noted during his session that, if you have great content, the rule doesn’t apply! You can see this in the growing popularity of lengthy podcasts and video content binging.

As the B2B buyer continues to evolve to look more like a B2C consumer, it’s vital for B2B businesses to position their buyers to take the reins and have control over their own buying journey. Forrester’s Steven Casey used the phrase “helicopter marketing” to describe how today’s marketers are always hovering over their target audience — when in fact they should be encouraging them to educate and buy at their own speed.

And we’re looking forward to next year! Stay tuned to the B2BMXpert community for updates on our other upcoming events and details about the 2020 B2B Marketing Exchange, slated for February 24-26, 2020!

Check out all the other #KeynoteInks from the B2B Marketing Exchange here!